A Spanking Company
Yeah, in your wildest dreams maybe you wanted to work in such a place. Well, I am - more or less. If I let my fantasy play a little bit, I am already there.
Actually, I think my new company has hired only spankoholics, since only a few weeks ago a guy was chasing a girl with two umbrellas around the place, swearing that he would spank the lights out of her when he catches her. General laughter and complete astonishment from our foreign visitors in the company. No, visitors or guests cannot stop the spanking madness where I work.
A few other days ago another guy, one of my collegues, was picking on a girl in a funny way, and then he stood up and started unbuckling his belt in the middle of the courtyard, everyone watching. "My God, I'm gonna tan her butt blue," he said, just like that.
Another day, another one of my friends came over and my nose was very deep in the monitor - working my ass off and complaining of my eyes hurting. He pulled me away from computer and I mumbled. "You need someone to beat you up, it seems. You didn't get whacked enough when you were small, did you?" "No." "See, that's what I mean..."
Another day, the collegue with the umbrellas - still joking about girls - mentions that some girls should be whacked and that he would like that a lot - especially if the client was the girl he ran after that day with the umbrellas.
Yeah... spanking in my company is not a taboo. I heard the word and the teasings so many times that I don't know if it's my imagination now or it's reality that our manager mentioned it as well in one of our company meetings. :)
Spooky... but I should fuel them a bit. I do, actually: I drop the bomb in someone else's favor - the girl being teased, usually - and then I pull back and I watch the show. It's fun.