Monday, November 12, 2007


Not today and not this week. But I got a few minor spankings over the past month. After a long break, even a minor spanking seems 'hard'. But you know it's mild since you only get a pink bottom.

So Jack decided to spank me 'just 'cause' a few times. It was fun. But also pathetic because it makes you crave more.

Ihave nothing else to add. I am too tired to think and my eyes are hurting. And again, I have too many things on my mind...


Paul said...

Kay, hope that you got a good rest, and that you have less on your mind.
Warm hugs,

Kayley said...

Dear Paul... less on my mind? Not likely to happen too soon... *sigh* But a good rest sounds good. But I'm bored of sleeping. :( I'm also tired so I think I will go to bed...